
The Promise: Experiencing God’s Greatest Gift—The Holy Spirit is unavailable, but you can change that!

If you and I are going to live victorious Christian lives, we must understand the Holy Spirit’s task is to enable us to experience the Christian life. It's the Spirit who lifts the truth of Scripture off the page and causes it to explode in our lives. So, if you long for a closer walk with Christ and a new infusion of the power for Godly living, then you’re ready for The Promise—a deeper,...

16 EXPERIENCING THE SPIRIT’S GIFTS We can’t talk long about the ministry of the Holy Spirit without coming to the subject of this chapter. Now if it were just a matter of figuring out what gifts the Holy Spirit wanted to give us and then receiving them, our task would be easy. But few topics generate more confusion, crisis, and criticism than the issue of the Spirit’s work in gifting the church. Churches have split over issues such as which of the Spirit’s gifts are for today and which, if any, have
Pages 301–302